The Communities For Education (CFE) platform will help families to support the most important people in their lives, precisely each of their children. Educational savings accounts receive a pro rata of 5 percent of revenue from the NGD modernized landfills every time a truck passes over a local landfill scale. Join hands with CFE to modernize and reinforce landfills for a better and greener future. Get your children educational savings accounts to help them save for their higher education through various methods embedded in our state-of-the-art system.

Communities For Education strives towards creating a brighter academic future for all of our children by leveraging various untapped resources while also integrating a community-based crowdfunding network.

CFE provides a community-based crowdfunding platform and donations system that allows people to help donate for children’s higher education as well as other causes, people, and projects.

Communities for Education upholds the virtue of working towards causes that benefit the future of The Earth and its environment. CFE works with various sustainability initiatives that allow us to create a greener future for our children.

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